How to Tell a Climate Change Solution Story

February 13, 2023
In this episode, host Peterson Toscano looks at climate stories that reveal the impacts of climate solutions. This is a harder story to tell because many of the best solutions are still on the table. In fact, CCLers are working hard to get lawmakers and community leaders to take these solutions seriously and put them into practice. In 25 or 50 years, we will be able to tell many stories about the beneficial impacts these solutions will have. But we need to tell these stories today. 

What is an Effective Climate Change Story?

February 13, 2023
In this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, host Peterson Toscano considers stories that focus on the impacts of climate change. These include incidents of extreme weather and stories of changes you have witnessed over time and the ways these changes affect you and everything and everyone you love. This episode will give viewers the opportunity to tell effective climate stories. Plus, you will hear one climate solution story from the future. Most importantly, you will hear an example of “the climate story pivot.” The pivot happens when you jump off of your story into the climate solution you are proposing.

Building Personal Resilience in Your Climate Work

February 11, 2023
On this month’s episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, Laureline Simon joins host Peterson Toscano to discuss the importance of establishing personal resiliency, both in the mind and the body, for climate workers around the world. Laureline has studied international relations and development at Sciences Po, as well as Indian languages at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in Paris, France. 

Adrian Rafizadeh — Young conservative pursuing climate solutions

February 11, 2023
Adrian Rafizadeh is a young conservative; he’s also motivated to connect with fellow young conservatives about climate change.  “Polling from Frank Luntz found that 75% of Republicans under 40 support a carbon fee and dividend, which is really major,” Adrian explains in this episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio. “That 75% number is something that we’re really trying to laser in on and focus on within the Conservative Caucus because there’s so much potential there.”