Swimming to the Other Side - Pat Humphries

October 7, 2021

Pat Humphries is half of Emma's Revolution, a powerful, moving and fun collaboration aimed at making our world better. Inspired by all sorts of music, including hymns, gospel, folk and more, Pat has produced musical gems featured on "All Things Considered" and "Democracy Now". Here she shares the music that led her where she is, including a song by one of her mentors and inspirations, Pete Seeger

I Learned It In Sunday School - Andy Murray's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Andy Murray's music has been featured regularly on our Spirit In Action program because his music is steeped in a combination of deep spirit and healing work for the world. Andy has long worked as a teacher of Peace and Conflict studies at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. With a singer/songwriter sideline that has spanned 3 plus decades, Andy has created a lot of wonderful music, much of it originating with his lifelong faith as a member of the Church of the Brethren, one of the historic peace churches.