Injustice in Latin America And In The Church

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Fr. Roy Bourgeois is a founder of the SOA Watch, passionate for nonviolence, the poor and for women in the Catholic Church. He become a Catholic priest after witnessing the error of the Vietnam War, and founded the SOAWatch after seeing the damage the SOA caused in Bolivia.

Music featured:

Song for the SOA #2 - David Rovics
Lagrimas - Daniel ben Avram

First Air Date

Injustice in Latin America And In The Church: Father Roy Bourgeois, SOA Watch Founder

Audio file

How his relationship with the church he was a priest for has evolved and his work for SOAWatch
What the graduates of the School of the Americas have been doing
How he was excommunicated from his church
What other issues he has been working on lately
His theological views on war
His views on the ordination of women and the trouble it caused him

Broadcast Date(s)


Father Roy Bourgeois


Spirit In Action -Injustice in Latin America & In The Church: Father Roy Bourgeois, SOA Watch Founder Dear Spirit In Action (certainly preferable to spirit inaction), Thank you for including my music in your podcast last week, in your interview with Fr. Roy. Here are a couple of good reasons it's always a good idea to contact the artist: First, I've added orchestration to the recording since it first came out, and fixed a couple of things that were annoying me. I would have been happy to send you a wav file of the latest version. Second, my name is pronounced "ben AH-vrahm" (son of Abraham.) However, wonderful interview, and I feel honored to have been a small part of it. For you listeners who would like to hear the later version, here's a link, and it includes a link to another version where it is in a medley with another song, one I wrote at the beginning of the Gulf War ("From the jungles of Central America to the deserts of the Middle East, Empire marches on ...." By the way, the recording is part of a larger work, "Metanoia -- a Universalist Mass", a musical call for radical transformation and social justice. You may hear a sampling at:, and, should you wish to contact me, my e-mail address is Peace, Daniel Zwickel ben Avram

Great Work Mark and very Timely. SOA watch is one of the most exemplary Christian and Humanistic endeavors going. To hear about it from the founder Fr Bourgeois is inspiring damian

Hi Mark, I didn't listen. Just trying to download for our weekly Spirit In Action - Lopez Edition program. We are still doing it weekly but there is an agenda item for Meeting for Business to deceide if we will continue. Sure hope we do. Thanks for keeping the programs coming. Ron

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