The Triumph of Technique: The Industrialization of Agriculture & The Destruction of Rural America

The Triumph of Technique: The Industrialization of Agriculture & The Destruction of Rural America

Dan Dieterich is a founding member of ICE - Interfaith Community for the Earth, an organization formed to fight global warming and promote ecological well-beling. ICE is a member of Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light. Working at the local level, ICE is a good example of how a small group of folks can harness their energy, in community, to bring about the big changes our world needs. You can contact ICE at or  (715) 344-1063.

First Air Date

The Triumph of Technique

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Robert Wolf


"To everything there is a season..." The world and time we are in here, now certainly seems be be in a season of break down, but I also see the seeds of the build up of a new way to live for this world. Robert Wolf is, of course, one of those seeds. Just like in my garden, I plant things in the fall so that they can start growing then resume in the spring, or winter over as seeds and sprout first thing in the spring; there are people, ideas and sustainable technologies that will enable us to blossom once this season of breakdown is over. Another way I look at it. If things are so bad now, why is there no other time in the past that I would want to go back to if I could unless strictly temporarily. (Well maybe I could be convinced to go back to pre-colonial Polynesia) One last thought, if everything became perfect on this earth, it might get boring. Then why come here? It was nice, even though the subject is serious, to interject a little humor now and then. Is that a guy thing?

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