Learning From & Wrestling With Humanity 101

Jeremy Lent, has an MBA, is an author, integrator, and founder of The Liology Institute. His amazing new book is The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning, which is all about understanding and leveraging humanity's fundamental drives toward sustainability of our species and the planet.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Buddhism, Earth-Based Spirituality, Jewish, Taoist

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Learning From & Wrestling With Humanity 101

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Jeremy Lent


I was raised as "a brain." For the last half of my life (37 years) I've been favoring my heart and nurturing my soul. But my life before adulthood hungers for meaning on it's native terms. I need more than "yes!" I need a good story, what I was raised to call "an explanation." Wow! This is good stuff! For me. I had looked at a preview of the book, via Amazon's Kindle, and found it intriguing, but too heady. This interview was the perfect next step for me. The author's voice was a helpful carrier of his facile intelligence. Mark's questions led the conversation toward my heart's yearnings, rather than away from them.

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