Longing for Belonging, 'Druther Have No Other

Bias & prejudice are hard-wired in us, we've got the studies to prove it, so what can we do about bias, hate, & division? In Our Search For Belonging: How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart by Howard J. Ross we explore the mind, our behavior, & our possibility of acting better than we're programmed for.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Eastern, Jewish, Non-affiliated

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Longing for Belonging, 'Druther Have No Other

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Howard Ross


Very good Mark; HJ Ross really struck a chord with me. I loved the 'dumb bell' analogy. I'd like to read the chapters on his recomendations.

We are divided by our identity choices. Seeking the 'language of unity'... it won't be found unless we look for it with intent. We need to be more symmetrical in our world view. 

Together, we can seek a common destiny... or share the consequences of an undesirable fate.

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