At that age of 76, Margaret Moore took part in the Teaching Drum Outdoor School family year-long, living naturally in the Northern Wisconsin woods for 11-months as an intergenerational clan of 42 people. Without the niceties of civilization, like books, soap, clocks, etc, Margaret and the rest experienced a connection to nature and each other badly missing for most people today.
Clan in the Woods - The Teaching Drum Outdoor School Family Year-long
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Clan in the Woods - The Teaching Drum Outdoor School Family Year-long
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Margaret Moore
I really enjoyed listening
Mark, I really enjoyed listening to the two of us. I wish that I had said something to the effect that after living this closely to Mother Earth, we would become less able to be so destructive of her. In the meantime, my correction was in the introduction where you say that I as well as the others signed up for 11 months...I signed up for 3 months from the beginning. You might want to make that clearer if possible. I am going to alert the Teaching Drum folk to the interview next. I think they will be rather pleased with it. Gratefully, Margaret
Many interesting aspects
Yeah, there are many aspects of the Teaching Drum Outdoor School which are very attractive to me. Especially the intimate community would be heavenly. There was one human need that you didn't talk about. It would have been interesting to hear what happened in such a close group containing married and unmarried people and a mixture of ages. Not sure I would want to camp out 24/7 all winter.
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