Bucks for Bombs - Or Not

Don't Pay for War

A 2-part visit with war tax resistance activists. Without our money, our country could not carry out war in our name. Every year around April 15th, Americans are asked to make sure the national coffers are filled, and about half of the income taxes paid go to the military. Over 2 weeks we'll visit with 3 war tax resisters about their activism around working for peace & not paying for war. Lincoln Rice is coordinator for NWTRCC (National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee). He's also active with Milwaukee's Catholic Worker House, Casa Maria, as is our second guest, Don Timmerman. Many of Don's stories can be found in his book, Midwife of Grace. Our 3rd War Tax Resister is Cathy Deppe, currently active with the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, including organizing an action against General Atomics this past February.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Catholic, Catholic Worker, Protestant, Episcopalian, Methodist

Featured Music:

Don't Pay Taxes - by Charlie King & Karen Brandow

Episode Number


First Air Date

Bucks for Bombs - Or Not

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Broadcast Date(s)


Lincoln Rice
Don Timmerman
Cathy Deppe


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