A visit to this program the last 2 months before COVID-19, with brief selections from the 2019 interviews with Susan Salidor, The Fairest and Best, Particle Kid (J. Micah Nelson), Sigrid Christiansen, Dean Stevens, and Sally Rogers, before the live music shut-down of 2020.
Ryan Summers started making music with a garage band in Chippewa Falls, WI, moved into DJ-ing and producing rave-style music under the name Plastic Portal. In the past 10 years he's produced 2 CDs with Nate Cherrier as part of Midwest Soul Xchange, and another 3 solo albums, the latest called Undo Influence, around his experience with a New Age Internet cult. Though keyboard-centric, Ryan is multi-instrumentalist, creating soundscapes of diverse genres, including progressive electronic to industrial to folk/pop.
Today's guest-host, Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio, extends the range of climate change warriors by asking "What Would Jesus Do?" through his interviews with some conservative-tilting, Christian evangelical/fundamental-leaning climate activists. Kelsey Grant (on Twitter), Conservative Outreach Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby, co-founded environmental ministries and taught about environmental stewardship as a Sunday School teacher at her church. Andrea Zink (on Instagram) is rooted in the United Methodist Church, including activism with the UMC Circles of
Liam Michael Hooper's newly-released book, Trans-Forming Proclamation: A Transgender Theology of Daring Existence, envisions & invokes a call for empowerment that is both lyrical & profound, experiential & visionary. Combining Spirit-centered passion, free-wheeling prose, & well-rooted expertise, Liam harnasses energy & determination to construct a mosaic with the full inclusion of all gender-transcendent people. Liam works with Ministries Beyond Welcome, and has been part of the founding of OtherWise Engaged Publishing.
Erin Ivey is a french-speaking, Queen-of-the-Austin singer-songwriters artist who creates some of the best Folk-Americana music around. Erin is also generous with her talents, acting as a songwriting mentor with low-income and underserved youth through Song Rise Arts and Grammy U. Her most recent release is Solace In The Wild.
A visit with America's #1 progressive talk show host, Thom Hartmann, about his latest book, The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class. We've temporarily dodged the bullet of oligarchy-into-tyranny in the USA, and Thom spells it all out - the history, present, and possible future.
Raheel Raza speaks out powerfully, as a Muslim, for the rights of women & other marginalized minorities, and for an unblinking and compassionate approach to differences, including the threats posed by extremists within the religion to which she is devoted. Among her books is How Can You Possibly Be a Muslim Feminist?, and her latest book is The ABCs of Islamism: Everything You Wanted to Know about Radical Islam But Were Afraid to Ask. She was born in Pakistan, arriving in Canada some 30 years ago. Ran Meir, former Israeli correspondent with the Clarion Project, joins as co-host.
Last month we featured three Conservative Christians who told us how their faith compels them to promote creation care and climate change solutions. This month we feature one of America’s most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, and he led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education for more than 40 years.