AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - Cheryl Thiede

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin

Cheryl Thiede is the associate director of social services for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, - or 836-7710. Raised Moravian, she is now part of Eau Claire 's Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

Music Featured:
The AIDS Song, The Stigma Song - Jony Jerusalem
Got a Lot of Livin To Do - Peter Alsop
Patchwork Quilt - Sweet Honey in the Rock

First Air Date

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin - Cheryl Thiede

Audio file

and how many have AIDS or HIV
Statewide organization, prevention services are educating and testing those at risk. Anonymous and confidential testing. and the stigma associated with aids.
gay bars, street outreach on water street, needle exchange at their office. her reason for doing it was social justice work.
both of the men that she talks about were activists. Also talks about the role of churches in helping people with aids.
she started out a Moravian, visited a baptist church to see a movie that turned her against fundamentalism, then ended up a Unitarian Universalist.
case management, medical care, food pantry, legal services, medical clinics, dental clinics, mental health services.
she got into it because she has the life mission to practice social justice.

Broadcast Date(s)


Cheryl Thiede


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