Loren Cobb: Part 1 - Aetheling International Consultants

Loren Cobb

Loren Cobb has an exciting and unusual job. As Aetheling International Consultants he facilitates NationLab, a simulation game helping countries of this hemisphere experience and plan for social, economic and political developments. Loren, a Quaker pacifist and mathematical sociologist, works alongside with the military to strengthen our neighbors, and keep the peace.

But that is only one of the roles that Loren lives out. One of his other hats is that of editor of The Quaker Economist which is self-proclaimed as "a free electronic journal devoted to examining worldwide economic, social, and political problems as if people matter". In a recent edition, for example, Loren wrote about some intriguing extrapolations about the trend in violence over human history. You can also listen to his interview on Pacifica on war and trauma.

Music Featured:
Helicopter Simulator - Bob Franke

First Air Date

Loren Cobb: Part 1 - Aetheling International Consultants

Audio file

Loren talks about his role as a facilitator of the "games" and what they hope to accomplish.
Loren talks about his role as a facilitator of the "games" and what they hope to accomplish.
The precursor to Nationlab came from a request by the military for help in training for peacekeeping situations.
Given the role that NationLab can fill in terms of dealing with a number of social stressors, why not use that kind of simulation to prevent terrorism? Here's what Loren experienced.
How is it for a pacifist Quaker to work under the military structure?
NationLab is helping Latin American countries learn to replace the structural incentives of corruption.
Some would think it's a strange mix - a wildly devoted mathematician who is equally passionate about the 3rd world, but Loren explains how it came about.

Broadcast Date(s)


Loren Cobb


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