Patti See/Kidney Donations

diagram of kidney

Patti See is an ordinary person who took an extraordinary "leap of faith" by becoming a Good Samaritan kidney donor last year. Growing up Catholic, but attending church infrequently at present, she has nonetheless nurtured a deep spiritual life.

Patti, as a writer and an inwardly-reflective person, has looked for better and better ways to share her rich life with the world - serving meals at the Community Table, acting as advisor for the UW-Eau Claire Feminists group, and now, through the University of Minnesota Fairview Medical Center, she gave a most intimate gift, one of her kidneys, to a complete stranger.

For those interested in helping out folks needing transplants, check the National Kidney Foundation or MatchingDonors.

Music featured in this program:
Magic Penny - Danya River
Everything We Need - Carol Johnson
One Person At A Time - Andy & Terry Murray
Might As Well Make It Love - Carol Johnson
Lean On Me - Bill Withers

Episode Number


First Air Date

Patti See on Kidney Donations

Audio file

How the transplant is done.
Her religious background and the effect on her choice to donate a kidney.
Her reasons for deciding to donate a kidney to a complete stranger.

Broadcast Date(s)


Patti See


With all the clutter that can occur on commercial radio, I love to listen to Mark's program to remind me about the positive vibes that are occuring in our community. The program with Patti See was particularly inspirational. Each and every one of us has an opportunity to make a difference in this world if we choose to do so. Thank you Mark!

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