Zionism & Human Rights

Eve Spangler

A clear-eyed, informative, powerful look at the reality of Zionism on-the-ground in the Middle East by Eve Spangler, associate professor of Sociology at Boston College. In Understanding Israel/Palestine - Race, Nation, and Human Rights in the Conflict she uses facts and experience to call us to the best framework for true peace in the Middle East.

First Air Date

Zionism & Human Rights

Audio file

BONUS: Can Other Folks Join the Israel/Palestine Tour?
BONUS: Antiwar, Boycotts, & Other Activism
BONUS: Israeli Preference for Christians?
BONUS: Who's a Jew?
BONUS: What are "Human Rights"?

Broadcast Date(s)


Eve Spangler


Just listened to the entire broadcast and it's fabulous. Your questions were so good, so fruitful. I think this podcast is just perfect as it is - I wouldn't change a single thing.

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