America Beyond Capitalism - Gar Alperovitz

America Beyond Capitalism - Gar Alperovitz

Gar Alperovitz is author of America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy, about democratizing wealth and empowering communities through worker-ownership, co-ops, community land trusts, decentralizing control, and many other strategies.

Featured Music:
The Corporate Welfare Song - Anne Feeney

Books by Gar Alperovitz:
America Beyond Capitalism
Cold War Essays
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam

Gar Alperovitz co-wrote and edited:
Unjust Deserts: Wealth and Equality in the Knowledge Economy (with Lew Daly)
Making a Place for Community with Thad Williamson & David Imbroscio)
American Economic Policy: Problems and Prospects
Strategy and Program: Two Essays toward a New American Socialism
Rebuilding America: A Blueprint for the New Economy

First Air Date

America Beyond Capitalism - Gar Alperovitz

Audio file

why he wrote the book
on the decline of labor unions
what groups should come on board and the moral issues are behind it.
about the system that is the problem
about the tea party and Scott Walker
How the playing field is tilted in favor of wealth and perhaps how to fix it.

Broadcast Date(s)


Gar Alperovitz


great show mark...also the pete seeger finish (< : thanks once again d-dude oayqob

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