Bethany Jacobson/Military Families Speak Out

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Bethany Jacobson's older son joined the marines when he turned 18 and was deployed to Iraq in 2004, at which point Bethany, with the encouragement of her son, began to speak out against the war in Iraq "for the boys", as part of Military Families Speak Out.

Having grown up near UW-Milwaukee in the 1960's and 70's, Bethany saw plenty of demonstrations against the Vietnam War. She carried into adulthood a general peace orientation, including her effort to keep war toys away from her kids. She had a conversion experience in her mid-20's and was a member of a charismatic church for 15 years, before moving to the Chippewa Valley. When her son was deployed to Iraq, Bethany could no longer remain quiet and began speaking out strongly against the War, and for our Troops, as part of Military Families Speak Out with a clear message - BRING THEM HOME NOW. You can contact Bethany via email.

Music Featured:
Who's The Criminal Here - Charlie King
Our Flag Was Still There - John McCutcheon
Brave Man From Ohio - Andy & Terry Murray

Episode Number


First Air Date

Bethany Jacobson/Military Families Speak Out

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talking about supporting military people while opposing the war and what freedom is about.
She describes herself as a hippie mom. and she points out that the war is unjust and evil and and plans for it were started before 9/11
talking about why she believes that the iraq war is unjust.
talking about her values including taking care of people rather than greed. and people being able to take part in government and dissenting.

Broadcast Date(s)


Bethany Jacobson


I enjoyed the balanced approach to the show Bethany Jacobson/Military Families Speak Out The show was a very welcome change of pace from the normal choices of listening either to whining liberals or evangelical conservatives. You did a pretty good job of not putting thoughts and words into Bethany's mouth, although it was, I am sure, hard to resist. Hope this continues.

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