Poi-Sand Mining - A Fracking Business

Wooden Frame Placeholder

Jerry Lausted is on the board of The Save the Hills Alliance, was an Ag teacher for 18 years, and has been involved in frac sand mining concerns since 2006. Further resources include FracSandFrisbee.com, Dunn County Sand, and The Price of Sand Movie.

Music included in this program:
The Sand Man - Bryce Black & Yata

Episode Number


First Air Date

Poi-Sand Mining - A Fracking Business

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Broadcast Date(s)


Jerry Lausted


Mark and Crew...Thanks for the PBS video and commentary re frac sand/shale mining. Your program touches many areas with thoughtful ideas, memorable music and,in this case, opportunities for others who missed the PBS interviews to revisit what's happening in Wisconsin via the mantra "jobs" take priority over clean air, water and productive lands and waters. We, through documentaries and books, lament what prairie folk in Oklahoma and elsewhere decades did to boost profits from their land by tillng stabilizing grasses and other practices leading to "Dust Bowl" areas that produced choking dust storms, bug and animal infestations, and ruination of homelands, lives and productive land. Today, with much chatter about "Going Green" the coming frac mining disasters cause doubt that we'll ever get our priorities straight when it comes to protecting healthful an productive environments,those with clean air and water, the intelligent and careful use of natural resources and community protection of scenic and recreational lands and waters. But time's a wasting.

re 4/21 sand fracking program: a big shout out to all of the Jerry Lausteds of the world for the essential work they do and to the Mark Helpsmeets who bring them to us.Let's all put our shoulders to the bumper and push this world out of the muck !

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