Going Forward With Songs of Social Change

RAWA Songs for Social Change, Volume 4

A look at some of the finalists of the Songs for Social Change contest in 2019, artists with a variety of styles & themes, all about change for the better. With reggae, electronica, rock, & folk, 6 different artists share their various soulful songs, working for a better world, with first prize going to Mary Lou Fulton for Not Going Back. Contest judge Ed Glassman walks us through the organization and the songs. Songs can be submitted for the coming year before December 1st, either via SonicBids.com, or on the RAWA.com website.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Eastern, Meditation

Featured Music:
Good Morning America - by Abigayle Rose
Tribe of the Gods - by Soul Glitch
Power to the Peaceful - by Shawn Galloway
Give Me Your Tired - by Rebecca Lang Fiorentino
Wake up - by Blue Alien Mystic
Not Going Back - by Mary Lou Fulton (see the video)

Episode Number


First Air Date

Going Forward With Songs of Social Change

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Ed Glassman


Mark, thanks for interviewing me and for helping to advertise the music competition, deadline, Dec. 1st. Musicians Go to Rawa.com or to Sonicbids.com to enter.

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