J.E. McNeil/Center on Conscience & War

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J.E. McNeil, of the Center on Conscience & War describes the message and work of that organization, helping those seeking conscientious objector status, and those in the military seeking to get out, whatever the reason, and the spiritual roots that led her to this work.

The Center on Conscience & War was established in 1940 to defend and extend the rights of conscientious objectors and support all those who question participation in war, including staffing calls for the G.I. Rights Hotline. J.E. speaks of her work as a tax attorney for the poor, defending the rights of protesters and war tax resisters, serving the CCO, and of her journey from her Texas childhood as a conservative Methodist to her life as a Quaker active with the Friends Meeting of Washington.

Music Featured:

Don't Pay Taxes - Charlie King & Karen Brandow
If Jimmy Didn't Have To Go - Charlie King & Karen Brandow

Episode Number


First Air Date

J.E. McNeil/Center on Conscience & War

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talking about what the center does and what she does in the center.
Talking about the abuses that recruiters commit and about buyers remorse of the recruits.
one of the easiest to get out of programs to recruit young people.
talking about her joke about lying recruiters and the recruiter that called for help that didnt object to the joke probably because he knew it was true.

Broadcast Date(s)


J.E. McNeil


Followed links to two interesting web sites by JE McNeil and Chuch Fager on military servitude. Now hearing my first program, on Bishop Sprong. Glad to have this resource, keep it up Mark!

Very good interview and thanks. I posted the link to it in comments to one of The American Prospect blog's (TAPPED) typically sneering posts about pro-lifers. Won't change any minds there probably, but at least they know about it.

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